Tourné le 3 septembre 2021 • Gagnef, Dalarna
Last September I paid a visit to Hanna Enlöf where she lives in Dalarna. We took the road to find a place in nature to film our session, with a first stop in Gagnef by a lake where Hanna performed her new single "Shallow Water".
On this occasion Hanna also made a duo with Craig Stanton Thomas.

We had the time to film a second song, and Hanna brought us near Borlänge, where there is a path between 2 sides of water, which is really nice and offers a little promenade. I decided to film her in a one shot take, fast and very efficient !

Hanna Enlöf

Hanna Enlöf est une auteure-compositrice-interprète surtout connue pour être une des deux moitiés du duo Good Harvest.

Elle a lancé sa carrière solo en 2021 avec son album BareBones. Cet album, co-écrit avec Craig Stanton Thomas, propose un folk americana vif et centré sur ses paroles, son style de prédilection.